What Is Femmes (1983)

1. Femmes (1983) directed by Tana Kaleya • Reviews, film + cast

  • Euro softcore erotica outing with Helmut Burger romancing Alexandra Stewart amid some luscious beach and outdoor mountains sceneries,with the usual rampant ...

  • Helmut is fed up traveling around he world. Coming back from Asia, he decides to stay some time in Alexandra's house, a long time friend. She is living on a beautiful island where she is doing art. From his travels, Helmut brought back some old manuscript about secret rites that he decides to share with Alexandra after restarting a sexual relationship with her

2. Femmes (1983) - The Movie Database

  • Helmut is fed up traveling around he world. Coming back from Asia, he decides to stay some time in Alexandra's house, a long time friend.

  • Helmut is fed up traveling around he world. Coming back from Asia, he decides to stay some time in Alexandra's house, a long time friend. She is living on a beautiful island where she is doing art. From his travels, Helmut brought back some old manuscript about secret rites that he decides to share with Alexandra after restarting a sexual relationship with her

3. Femmes (1983) - Cast & Crew — The Movie Database (TMDB)

4. Femmes (1983) - Vintage Movie Posters - Original Film Art

  • This is an original, French grande theatrical movie poster from 1983 for Femmes starring Helmut Berger, Alexandra Stewart, Eva Cobo, and Tina Sportolaro.

  • An original, French grande theatrical movie poster (47" x 63") from 1983 for romantic drama Femmes Not a reproduction. Certificate of Authenticity (COA) included.

5. Femmes - Wikidata

6. Femmes (1983) - Trakt

  • Helmut is fed up traveling around he world. Coming back from Asia, he decides to stay some time in Alexandra's house, a long time friend.

  • Helmut is fed up traveling around he world. Coming back from Asia, he decides to stay some time in Alexandra's house, a long time friend. She is living on a beautiful island where she is doing art. From his travels, Helmut brought back some old manuscript about secret rites that he decides to share with Alexandra after restarting a sexual relationship with her

7. Femmes (1983) - Turner Classic Movies - TCM

  • Cast & Crew · Tana Kaleya · Alexandra Stewart · Helmut Berger · Dirke Altenvogt · Martine Sportolano · Nicole Berckmans. Editor. Film Details. Genre.

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8. Femmes (1983) with Helmut Berger on DVD - DVDBay

  • Femmes (1983) ; Director: Tana Kaleya ; Writers: Jaime Jesús Balcázar, Tana Kaleya ; starts: Helmut Berger, Alexandra Stewart, Eva Cobo ; Also known as: Femmes ( ...

  • Movie Screenshots:

What Is Femmes (1983)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.